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Your August 1st To Do List

Writer's picture: President MBTCPresident MBTC

40th Annual National Night Out - A great opportunity to better get to know neighbors, local police and elected officials. Pacific Beach Library 4275 Cass St. Dinner will be served at 6:30

2:00 PM August 1st. The City Council will vote on whether to approve - Smart Streetlight and Automatic License Plate Reader ("ALPR") Technology.
Smart Streetlights and ALPR's can be a game changer in how the SDPD investigates serious crimes. This technology will enable our police department to solve more crimes, more quickly making our neighborhoods safer. Our police department remains dangerously understaffed and this technology will be a needed force multiplier.
This will be a very close vote that may be decided by a one vote margin. The opposition to the use of Smart Streetlights will show up in force at Tuesday's meeting so it's imperative that everyone who supports their use have their voice heard. If you are concerned about Public Safety this is a must do!
The full City Council will be voting whether to approve the purchase and usage of this critical crime-fighting technology on Tuesday, August 1 at 2:00 PM. It is Item 333 on the agenda.
Please take action in at least one of the following ways.
1. Attend in person and make public comment. (arrive early and turn in a speaker slip so you will be called early on in the process) (bring a water bottle and snack). Once you have spoken it is fine to leave.
2. Attend the meeting via Zoom and make public comment.
3. Submit a written comment no later than 8:00 am on Tuesday August 1st.
4. DO THIS IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, send an email to each of the nine city council members and their chief of staffs urging them to support the use of Smart Streetlights and Automated License Plate Readers. We need five yes votes! This link will provide you with email addresses and instructions on how to send an effective email to each council office.
Meeting Details: TUESDAY, AUGUST 01, 2023 AT 2:00 PM Add to Calendar City Administration Building City Council Chambers- 12th Floor 202 C Street San Diego, CA 92101 Virtual Participation: To join by telephone: Dial 1-669-254 5252 + input Webinar ID: 160 114 3486 In-Person Comment on Agenda Items: Each speaker must file a written request (speaker slip) with the City Clerk at the meeting at which the speaker wishes to speak indicating which item they wish to speak on. This is Item 333 on the agenda. Speaker slips may not be turned in prior to the day of the meeting or after completion of in-person testimony. In person testimony will conclude before virtual testimony begins. Each person who wishes to address the Council shall approach the podium when called by the city clerk. State who you are representing if you represent an organization or another person. It is likely that you will only have one minute to speak, so please also submit your comments in writing. 2. Attend the meeting virtually and provide a public comment. Virtual Public Comment on Agenda Items: Members of the public may participate virtually (by telephone or internet streaming). Speakers who wish to provide virtual public comment must enter the virtual queue by raising their virtual hands when Item 333 begins and before the queue closes. The queue will close when the last virtual speaker finishes speaking or five minutes after in-person testimony ends, whichever happens first. Please also submit your comments in writing. 3. Submit a written comment. Comments received by 8:00 AM for Tuesday meetings will be distributed to the City Council and posted online with the meeting materials. 4. Key Issues If you are able to provide written or verbal comment, please convey:
  • Smart streetlights will make all communities safer by deterring crime.

  • Data provided by smart streetlights will provide vital information for solving crimes in all communities.

  • Our police need technology like smart streetlights to solve crimes. Banning the use of such technology harms the innocent and protects people who commit crimes.

  • Safeguards are in place to prevent police and others from using this information other than to solve crimes.

Resources about Smart Streetlights and Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) technologies:

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