The following is a message from the San Diego Police Officers Association. The Mission Beach Town Council recently passed a resolution in favor of the use of Smart Streetlights.
As an appreciated member of our community who recognizes the importance of safety and security, we are reaching out for your help. Our Department will go before the Privacy Advisory Board (PAB) TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 31, 2023, at 5:30 pm to discuss the issue of Smart Streetlights in our community.
The deployment of Smart Streetlights can significantly enhance our community's safety by providing essential data to aid law enforcement and other city services. However, we anticipate there will be voices opposing this technology. Your support and positive input could make a decisive difference in the adoption of this crucial initiative.
Please actively participate in the upcoming meeting either in person or virtually by expressing your endorsement for the Smart Streetlights. Your voice can make an influential impact on the future safety standards of our community.
Click here to view the meeting agenda.
Here's how to participate in the meeting:
In-Person: Location: City Administration Building - 202 C Street, San Diego, CA 92101, 12th Floor – Council Chambers
Join the Meeting Webinar by computer, tablet, or smartphone: https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/j/1600806590?pwd=ZnpmTDJEaWxJalhja2RXSEI0dnhzUT09
Passcode: 80GNhT
Instructions on how to join and provide your input are listed at the end of this e-mail.
By advocating for the deployment of Smart Streetlights, you will contribute to ensuring the continued safety and welfare of our community. Your voice is crucial, and we are sincerely grateful for your commitment.
Thank you for your support, and we hope to hear your voice at the Privacy Advisory Board meeting on May 31.
You will be speaking or commenting on the Smart Streetlights initiative.
To participate virtually, when the Chair introduces the Smart Streetlights item, raise your hand by clicking the "Raise Your Hand" button on your device or dialing *9 on your phone. You will be called upon in the order you raised your hand. Unmute your device or dial *6 on your phone when it's your turn to speak.
Submit comments on the Smart Streetlights item using the webform. Comments received by 11:00 AM the day of the meeting will be distributed to the PAB and posted online. Webform comments are limited to 200 words. Comments received after this time but before the item is called will be included in the written record.
To submit written materials or attachments, email them to BoardsandCommissions@sandiego.gov or mail them to Attn: Boards and Commissions/ Privacy Advisory Board, 202 C Street, 11th Floor, San Diego, CA 92101. Email submissions follow the same deadlines as webform comments, while mailed materials must be received the business day prior to the meeting.
Thank you once again for your support!