Street Vendor Update - At last Wednesday's general meeting Seamus Kennedy from Councilmember Campbell's office updated us that on November 14th the city council should hold the first reading on the Street Vendor Ordinance which would finally allow full enforcement to begin in the coastal zone. They would like support to be given for the ordinance to be approved without any amendments, which the board supports. If passed on November 14th there would then be a second reading 30 days later with enforcement to begin about 30 days after that. If this schedule holds Mission Beach should be vendor free by the middle of January. While this is months after it should have been at least we have a timeline. Further updates will be forthcoming.
Wednesday October 19th Board Meeting - TIME CHANGE - the normal start time for our board meetings is 5:00 pm but since many have Padre Fever, I've changed the start time to 6:00 pm so you can cheer on the Padres and still participate in the board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Mission Beach Women's Club on Santa Clara Pl. Any member of the Council may attend meetings of the Board of Directors but shall not be allowed to vote, make, or second motions. However, an attending member may make as many suggestions as allowed by the presiding Officer of the meeting. The agenda may be found here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0qb6avly5yc0cs7/AABPSiMTv6QQM01Mlw67l5R9a/Agenda/2022%20BOARD%20MEETING%20AGENDAS?dl=0&preview=10-19-2022+Board+Meeting+Agenda.docx&subfolder_nav_tracking=1
MBTC November Election - the MBTC election for the 2023 Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday November 9th at 6:00 pm. The slate of candidates is below.
There are currently four positions with no candidates so if you are interested in filling one of these positions please let me know asap at president@missionbeachtc.com. Officer positions of VP at Large and Secretary normally require you to have been a member by August 1st but that timeline can be waived since we currently have no candidates. The Secretary may appoint a Corresponding Secretary to assist in the Secretary’s duties so please consider teaming up with someone to fill this position.
President – Larry Webb
1st VP – Sarah Mattinson
VP at Large – open
Membership – Ray Steinberger
Treasurer – Charles Villano
Secretary – open
Public Communications and Media Officer – Kerry Farrar
Area One – Gary Katz
Area Two - Klaus Mendenhall
Area Three – open
Area Four – William Wu, Andy Chotnier
Area Five – Casey Fields
Area Six – Rob Brown, Carol Chapekis, Kelly Madden
Area Seven – Humberto Cruz
Area Eight – open
Area Nine – Kimberly Wise
Virtual Voter Information Forum - Monday October 17th - The Ocean Beach Town Council and the Point Loma Association are holding a zoom Voter Information Forum on important issues in the upcoming November general election.

Mission Beach Town Council Instagram Photo Contest - HAVE YOU ENTERED?, submit your favorite pictures of Mission Beach to win fabulous prizes donated by Mission Beach Merchants. These gift baskets are going to blow you away. Some of the very generous local businesses who have contributed are... (apologizes if any one is left off)
Sara's, Coaster Saloon, Luigi's, Moe's, Southern Comfort Kitchen, Miss B's, Lazy Eye Coffee, Sandbar, Beach Bowles, Just Get Wet, Olive Baking Co, Olive Cafe, Juice Wave, Belmont Park, Cheap Rentals, Guava Beach, Single Fin, Saltwater Culture, NOW Sushi, Boutiki
Mission Beach Women's Club 13th Annual SOS Campaign - sends gift boxes to Servicewomen serving our country. See below for details on how to contribute.