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  • Writer's picturePresident MBTC

March Membership meeting

The MBTC March Membership meeting will be held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday March 8th in the Community Room at Belmont Park (it's above the arcade.

We will have a special guest speaker the Executive Director of the Lucky Duck Foundation, Drew Moser. Drew will give an overview of the Lucky Duck Foundation and their vision for dealing with the homeless crisis in the city.

Membership will vote on changes to the bylaws which will allow us to continue holding hybrid meetings even though the state of emergency has ended. The board approved these changes at the February board meeting. The proposed changes may be found here

Membership will also vote on a resolution urging our state elected officials to support or sponsor legislation to repeal or modify Prop 47. The board approved the resolution at our February board meeting. The complete resolution may be found here

Attendance in person is strongly encouraged but you may attend via zoom


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