June General Membership Meeting - the June Membership meeting will be held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday June 14th in the Community Room at Belmont Park (above the arcade). The agenda and zoom info for this month's meeting may be found here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/17uip6ofyd9hnh2/AADgzXfFop02U0xFgCx-V4DAa?dl=0
Cool Video - The below link is to a YouTube Video on the history of Belmont Park and the Roller Coaster. Unfortunately it cuts off before the end but covers the history from 1920 something through the 80's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xQcmh7ey5s
DTMB May report - The Don't Trash Mission Beach May beach clean up report may be found here https://www.donttrashmissionbeach.com/post/may-gray-mayday
Remember DTMB is a 501 (3)(c) organization you can make a tax deductible contribution on their website or https://www.gofundme.com/f/dont-trash-mission-beach?utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet
De Anza Cove Redevelopment - The city's Parks and Recreation Board and Mission Bay Park Committee continue to plan the future of De Anza Cove and a De Anza Ad Hoc Group with volunteer members of the Mission Bay Park Committee will hold three more meetings in June at Paradise Point Resort 1404 Vacation Rd.
Tuesday June 13th, 6:00 pm - Recreation + Tennis + Fields
Tuesday June 20th, 6:00 pm - Campland + Boat and Ski Club
Tuesday June 27th, 6:00 pm - Mission Bay Leaseholders Assoc + Golf + Rose Canyon
Unsafe Camping Ordinance - On Tuesday June 13th at 1:00 pm, The full city council will consider changes to the city's Municipal Code to regulate homeless encampments in city.
neither the MBTC board or membership have taken a position on this as our meeting times have not allowed us to do so. The following link is to the City Council Staff Report on the proposed ordinance https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bdi9q7jcqei22bc/AAD5Ar8q10tWfUqQrRvruWkOa/Archive/2023?dl=0&subfolder_nav_tracking=1
Personally, I believe homelessness is certainly a crisis in our city. I support the proposed Unsafe Camping Ordinance as a needed tool to help address the homelessness crisis. If robustly enforced, I believe it will help lead more homeless to connect with services that are there to assist them and the ordinance will help protect the public’s safe access to our coastal parks, beaches and pathways and help protect the scenic and natural beauty of our coastlines.
I do so however with grave concern over enforcement. Our city leader’s track record on enforcing the Sidewalk Vending Ordinance has been lackluster. Because litigation against the ordinance was threatened our city leaders have yet to fully enforce the Sidewalk Vending Ordinance a year after it went into effect. This has caused the public’s safe access to our coastal parks, beaches and the scenic and natural beauty of the coastline and beaches to remain threatened.
The Unsafe Camping Ordinance, if not robustly enforced in the face of litigation, will just be window dressing and a waste of city staff’s time and the city’s money.
I urge everyone to consider showing support for the ordinance either in person at the City Council Hearing at 202 C St., via zoom https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/j/1601143486 or by making written web comments. Instructions on how to zoom or make web comments https://www.sandiego.gov/city-clerk/agenda-comment-form. I would also suggest sending an email to each city council member and their chief of staff. A list of their contacts may be found here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bdi9q7jcqei22bc/AAD5Ar8q10tWfUqQrRvruWkOa/Archive/2023?dl=0&preview=Contact+List+for+San+Diego+Elected+Officials+(Pages)+9_12_22.docx&subfolder_nav_tracking=1
In your support please consider also sharing your concern that without enforcement of the ordinance especially when litigation is threatened, the ordinance will be a waste of time.
Scooter Removal - ScootScoop needs your assistance. They have a trial coming up in a few months with BIRD and are looking for any emails or any communication of any kind you had with BIRD letting them know that their scooters were on or around your property and you did not want them there and wanted them removed. If you have any emails, you can forward them to their email at the bottom or take screenshots and send them to their number. If they responded they would like that also, if they did not respond, please let them know when you send us whatever email you sent. Office - 858.262.1912 Email - scooterremoval@gmail.com
This message is not an endorsement of ScootScoop.