May General Membership Meeting
The May General Membership Meeting of the MBTC will be held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday May 10th in the Community Room at Belmont Park (above the arcade).
During the meeting the membership will vote on the resolution passed by the MBTC board on April 19th supporting the San Diego Police Department's use of Smart Streetlights and Automated License Plate Readers.
"The Mission Beach Town Council supports the San Diego Police Department’s use of Smart Street Lights and Automated License Plate Readers. This position is based upon the currently available information provided by the San Diego Police Department at community meetings throughout San Diego and information provided at the following website www.sandiego.gov/police/data-transparency/technology which among other information contains a link to a recorded community meeting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRtdFglWB0A"
Please use the above links as tools to educate yourself on what the use of this technology is and isn't. If you were unable to attend a community meeting, I suggest watching the YouTube video.
The complete agenda for the meeting and zoom information if you can't attend in person may be found here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/17uip6ofyd9hnh2/AADgzXfFop02U0xFgCx-V4DAa?dl=0&preview=05-10-2023++General+Meeting+Agenda.pdf
MAY 13th Java With Jen - Great opportunity to meet and discuss community issues with Councilperson Campbell and her staff - 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Olive Cafe on Santa Clara Pl.