On Friday at 9:00 am the Budget Review Committee will convene to discuss the Councilmembers proposed adjustments and changes to the Mayor's FY25 budget. Councilmembers Henry Foster (D4), Vivian Moreno (D8) and Council President Elo-Rivera (D9) have outlined some changes they would like to see and some of those changes directly impact the beach communities.
One of the proposed cuts that these Councilmembers suggest is "Street Vendor Ordinance Staff Reduction" which is essentially cutting out $743,000 which funds the staff working on implementing and enforcing the Sidewalk Vending Ordinance. In simple terms, they have proposed slashing the Sidewalk Vending Ordinance all together. Another significant cut proposed by several Councilmembers is for Park Rangers which is another $734,521.
Of note these Councilmembers have in past opposed the Sidewalk Vending Ordinance so this may be a backdoor way of getting rid of it. Councilmember Campbell does not support these cuts.
With a large city budget deficit, budget cuts are necessary but we as a community have fought for years to protect the public's use of our shoreline parks and beaches and the city has other avenues for budget cuts that don't undermine our years long efforts. For example millions are spent each year on underused bike lanes.
What you must do to help stop these cuts.
If possible attend the city budget hearing at 9:00 am on Friday June 7th in the City Council Chamber and sign up to make public comment.
If you cannot attend in person then participate via zoom and make public comment below is the zoom link to attend
Less effective, you may also submit written comment to the council by WEBFORM using the below link
Also please contact each city council office and urge them to not Defund the Sidewalk Vending Ordinance. Contact info for all city council offices may be found here
Urge the City Council not to defund the Sidewalk Vending Ordinance or cut funding to the Park Rangers who also work on ensuring our shorelines, parks and riverbeds such as the San Diego River are safe and secure.
Without enforcement of the ordinance, the public’s use of our shoreline parks and beaches will once again be impeded by commercial activity.
After years of discussion and compromises, this past year middle ground was finally found that balances and protects the public’s use of these critically important recreation areas and yet allows for express activity. Defunding the ordinance at this point would destroy years of work by community organizations such as the Coastal Coalition, Councilmember Campbell’s office the city attorney’s office.
Councilmembers Foster, Moreno and Elo-River should realize that 1,000 of their constituents use the shoreline parks and beaches for recreation and relaxation and benefit from the removal of commercial activity in our shoreline parks and beaches.