October General Membership Meeting - will be held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday October 11th in the Community Room at Belmont Park (above the arcade). The agenda for the meeting may be found here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/17uip6ofyd9hnh2/AADgzXfFop02U0xFgCx-V4DAa?dl=0&preview=10-11-2023++General+Meeting+Agenda.pdf
If you would like to run for a board position and have not already expressed your interest to the nominating committee at mbtcnominations@gmail.com the October 11th meeting will be your last opportunity to do so. For more information on the election and board positions go to https://www.missionbeachtowncouncil.org/post/2023-mbtc-board-election
If you have questions about your membership status you can validate your membership status at https://billing.stripe.com/p/login/14k7tP5HMbVaeM8bII
MBTC business members Beach Bowles and Brighton Bakery will be hosting a complementary selection of Mini Subs and Soups before the meeting at 5:30 so arrive early!

Temporary Water Shutoff in South Mission - Wednesday October 4th 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Here is important information about the Mission Beach Water & Sewer Replacement project.
A planned water disruption will affect the following areas:
700 - 759 Avalon Court
700 - 769 San Luis Rey Place
700 - 742 Asbury Court
2696, 2698, 2708, 2722 Mission Boulevard
2667 & 2669 Strandway
About the Water Shut-off
Water service will not be available throughout the shut-off time; please plan accordingly, including putting water in containers ahead of the shut-off.
Access to homes and emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times.
How the Area will be Affected:
"No Parking" signs will be posted at least 72 hours in advance. Vehicles in violation of signs will be towed.
Noise from construction equipment may be heard.
Temporary road closures, traffic rerouting, parking and access restrictions will be in effect during work hours.
Contact the city
Call: 619-533-4207 Email: engineering@sandiego.gov Website: sandiego.gov/cip
Don't Trash Mission Beach August Clean Up Results may be found here https://www.donttrashmissionbeach.com/post/lazy-days-lazy-ways-the-august-beach-cleanup-numbers Remember Don't Trash Mission Beach is a 501 3(C) and if you would like to make a tax deductible contribution to them go here https://www.donttrashmissionbeach.com/
South Mission resident and Don't Trash Mission Beach Co-Founder Cathy Ives will be receiving a well deserved Award at Assembly District 77’s first annual Environmental Hero Awards Ceremony taking place on Saturday, October 7th, 2023, 12pm -1:30pm at the La Jolla Recreation Center (615 Prospect St, La Jolla, CA 92037).
This free event is open to the public and is a celebration to recognize the amazing work of community nominated residents in District 77 who work to protect and positively impact our environment. Please honor Cathy by attending, RSVP with the number of guests, so they may have an estimated headcount via email to Assemblymember.Boerner@assembly.ca.gov