Minutes from the April General Membership Meeting may be found here
Memorial Day 1st Responder's Lunch - May 27th, please see the below flyer on how you can help!
South Mission Beach Alley Work/Closures
Here is important information about the Mission Beach Water & Sewer Replacement project. Please share this information with others who you feel may have an interest in this update.
Work on this City of San Diego project to replace concrete on Strandway and four alleys between Strandway and Mission Boulevard will soon take place in your community.
·      Vehicle access will be prohibited from the start of demolition until the concrete has cured.
·      If you plan to use your vehicle while work is taking place near your residence, please remove vehicle from your garage or driveway ahead of the work.
Projected Schedule*:
1. Alley between Asbury Court and San Luis Rey Place: Demolition 5/13; Concrete Pour 5/15; NO ACCESS for several days to allow concrete to cure. Open 5/20.
2. Alley between Avalon Court and San Luis Rey Place and a small portion of Strandway between the alley and Avalon Court: Demolition 5/13; Concrete Pour 5/15; NO ACCESS for several days to allow concrete to cure. Open 5/21.
3. Alley between Balboa Court and Avalon Court: Demolition 5/14; Concrete Pour 5/16; NO ACCESS for several days to allow concrete to cure. Open 5/22.
4. Strandway from alley between Capistrano Court and Brighton Court to alley between Balboa Court and Avalon Court: Demolition 5/14; Concrete Pour 5/16; NO ACCESS for several days to allow concrete to cure. Open 5/22.
5. Alley between Brighton Court and Balboa Court: Demolition 5/15; Concrete Pour 5/17; NO ACCESS for several days to allow concrete to cure. Open 5/23.
* Subject to change due to weather or other factors.
Mission Beach Women's Club Fundraiser May 18th