MBTC May Board meeting - The May board meeting will be held Wednesday May 17th at 5:00 pm. We will meet at THE POINT 1010 Santa Clara Pl. The agenda for the meeting may be found here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/36zvet9w7rc8g8x/AACbP0tPt8oxazXkbs25CgPKa?dl=0&preview=05-17-2023+Board+Meeting+Agenda.pdf
Any member of the Council may attend meetings of the Board of Directors but shall not be allowed to vote, make, or second motions. However, an attending member may make as many suggestions as allowed by the presiding Officer of the meeting.
May 13th Java With Jen - Great opportunity to meet with our City Councilperson Dr. Jennifer Campbell and her staff. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Olive Cave on Santa Clara Pl.

County Budget Hearings - Whether you live in the unincorporated area or in one of the region’s 18 cities, the County’s budget includes a broad range of services that have probably affected you or your family. The County plays a role whenever you go out to eat, go to the beach, vote, pay property taxes or need a birth, marriage or death certificate. But the County does much, much more. If you would like to learn more about the County Budget the following link is for community budget hearings on Monday May 23rd. https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/CommunityBudget/
Memorial Day First Responder's Lunch - The Mission Beach Women's Club will once again hold a luncheon for our 1st Responders on Memorial Day. See below for how to participate

Don't Trash Mission Beach April Report - may be found here https://www.donttrashmissionbeach.com/post/they-came-the-left-their-trash-the-april-beach-cleanup-numbers
and don't forget to join us for the May 20th Beach Clean Up