Mission Beach Women’s Club • 840 Santa Clara Pl or Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID:
Meeting ID: 934 0743 8632 Passcode: 820739
5:00 - Meeting call to order
Roll call of board members
5:01 - Approval of past minutes from board meeting ( )
5:02 – Sun Diego request for letter of support for Skate/Surf Event September 14 & 15
5:07 – Surfrider request for letter of support for Paddle for Clean Water Event DATE ?
5:12 – Discussion and vote on the above requests
5:22 – Discussion and vote on changing by laws to have summer board and general meetings
dark in the same month
5:27 - President’s report updates on the Community Enhancement Program grant, Neighborhood
Reinvestment Program grant, and CPPS Grant. (I might need an approved motion in the
minutes to apply for one of them, TBD.)
5:42 - Area Rep Reports (one minute each
5:51 - Committee updates
6:00 - AdjournBOARD MEMBERS
President – Casey Fields
First Vice President – Larry Webb
VP at Large – Sarah Mattinson
VP of Communications – Gary Katz
Treasurer – Donna Webb
Secretary – Fred Day
Membership – Ray Steinberger
Past President – Matt Gardner
Area Representatives:
Area 1: Nikki Zimmerman
Area 2: Klaus Mendenahall – alternate Jean Froning
Area 3: Jessica Barlow – alternate Justin Barlow
Area 4: Andy Chotiner – alternate Christa Starr
Area 5: Alan Bark – Chris Wilcox
Area 6: Kelly Madden
Area 7: Steve Kovalcheck
Area 8: Skip Dalrymple
Area 9: Kimberly Wise