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September Membership Meeting

Larry Webb

The September General Membership Meeting of the Mission Beach Town Council will be held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday September 14th.

Location - the Community Room at Belmont Park (above the arcade)
You may also attend via zoom at Meeting ID: 912 8174 3982 Passcode: 883834

Important happenings

1. Membership will vote to affirm or deny the MBTC board resolution to oppose the proposed ProtectAct.

The Mission Beach Town Council opposes the proposed ProtectAct based on the existing information that was presented by Sgt. Jared Wilson of the SDPD POA, Capt. Jeff Jordon of the SDPD and Christie Hill of the ACLU. Also considered was information from the following online resources.

2. Updates will be given on Street Vending, the MBTC's new website and the city's proposed changes to fire ring regulations.

3. The candidates for the District Two City Council race (Councilperson Campbell and her opponent Dr. Linda Lukacs) race have been invited to each speak and answer questions from our membership

Our SDPD representatives are working with the San Diego City Attorney's office to collect Halloween Costumes for children impacted by domestic violence, please see the below flyer and bring a costume donation to the September 14th meeting.

The SDPD is also working with the Sister Cities Association to collect new or gently used shoes which will be sent to East Africa. Donations may be brought to our September 14th Meeting.


About US

The purposes of this council are to provide a forum for discussion of community issues; to strive to reach all members of the community and communicate their views to the appropriate governmental officials and agencies.


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Mission Beach Town Council, PO Box 9842, San Diego, CA 92169 

© 2022 MISSION BEACH TOWN COUNCIL INC a California 501(c)(4) Corporation.  Created by generous sponsorship of the Felice Agency.

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